
Cobb School educates over 160 students from 15 months to 12 years. We have Toddler, Primary, Lower Elementary, and Upper Elementary classrooms. Lead Teachers must be Montessori trained and must have a Bachelor’s Degree.

In addition to applications for Lead Teacher positions, we accept applications for candidates interested in administrative, assistant, aftercare, and substitute positions.

Cobb School is an equal opportunity employer.  We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, or orientation.  The Cobb School works vigorously to diversify its student body as well as its staff and encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.

We are always looking for exceptional personnel interested in a career in Montessori education, and we maintain an ongoing hiring pipeline. We are actively seeking the following for the 2025-2026 school year:

Please submit your cover letter and resume to:  

Joe Lardner
Business Manager
The Cobb School, Montessori
112 Sand Hill Road
Simsbury, CT 06070

All applicants must comply with State of Connecticut regulations regarding background checks and fingerprints.