Become a Friend of Cobb
At Cobb, we understand that community is one of our greatest assets. We invite you to join the Friends of Cobb Association to enrich that community. Whether you’re in a position to contribute financially or not, we invite you to be a part of our extended community. Every level of membership comes with unique benefits, but every member, regardless of tier, plays a crucial role in upholding Cobb’s legacy of excellence. Please use the form to join the Friends of Cobb Association to update your information and receive ‘The Acorner’ newsletter and invitations to our major events throughout the year.
Support Levels
Donations via Friends of Cobb will go directly to the Annual Fund, supporting our yearly operating costs. Donors will be recognized for their giving as a Friend of Cobb in the Annual Report in recognition of their continued support to the school.
received this year (2023-24) will help establish the Friends of Cobb Association and donors will be recognized as Charter Members. Funds received through January 2023 will be used as a matching incentive for our Giving Day challenge. We appreciate your continued commitment to Cobb School.
All members receive: The quarterly newsletter The Acorner, invitations to the Country Fair & Homecoming, Arts Festival & End of Year auction celebration
- General Member (free to all)
- Community Friend (up to $99)
- Supporter ($100-$249) – Engraved brick with your family name at this level and above
- Guardian ($250-$499)
- Patron ($500-$1,499)
- Benefactor ($1,500-$2,499)
- Champion ($2,500+) Invitation to a cocktail hour with the Board of Trustees